Party Mix

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octombrie 15th, 2024
Comentariile sunt închise pentru yamaha cl5

yamaha cl5

Yanaha a lansat pe piata o noua generatie de mixere digitale

Căutarea perfecțiunii este în curs de desfășurare și nu va fi niciodată, probabil, sfârșitul anului, dar de-a lungul drum Yamaha a introdus o serie de inovații care au devenit standarde industriale, oferind performanță și familiaritatea pe care utilizatorii cerințe continuă să ceară. Prin definiție, „standarde”, sunt cel mai bine păstrate așa cum sunt. Cu rafinamente evolutive, desigur.

Yamaha CL serie mese de mixaj digitale reprezintă un nou nivel de rafinament. Acestea oferă o experiență evoluat în curăție accesibile amestecare, plus sonic cu capabilități de sunet pentru modelarea că vor da cele mai imaginative inginerul libertate fără precedent de creație.Seria CL intruchipeaza standardele de lider în sunet live din cele mai avansate lor, forma cea mai expresivă.



CL5, CL3, CL1

General specifications CL5 CL3 CL1
Sampling frequency rate Internal 44.1kHz / 48kHz 44.1kHz / 48kHz 44.1kHz / 48kHz
External 44.1kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm),   48kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm) 44.1kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm),   48kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm) 44.1kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm),   48kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm)
Signal delay Less than 2.5ms, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Fs=48kHz Less than 2.5ms, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Fs=48kHz Less than 2.5ms, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Fs=48kHz
Total harmonic distortion Less than 0.05% 20Hz-20kHz@+4dBu into 600Ω, OMNI IN   to OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min. Less than 0.05% 20Hz-20kHz@+4dBu into 600Ω, OMNI IN   to OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min. Less than 0.05% 20Hz-20kHz@+4dBu into 600Ω, OMNI IN   to OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min.
Frequency response +0.5, -1.5dB 20Hz-20kHz, refer to +4dBu output @1kHz,   OMNI IN to OMNI OUT +0.5, -1.5dB 20Hz-20kHz, refer to +4dBu output @1kHz,   OMNI IN to OMNI OUT +0.5, -1.5dB 20Hz-20kHz, refer to +4dBu output @1kHz,   OMNI IN to OMNI OUT
Dynamic range 112dB typ.: DA Converter / 108dB typ.: OMNI IN to   OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min. 112dB typ.: DA Converter / 108dB typ.: OMNI IN to   OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min. 112dB typ.: DA Converter / 108dB typ.: OMNI IN to   OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min.
Crosstalk -100dB*1, adjacent OMNI IN/OMNI OUT channels, Input   Gain = Min. -100dB*1, adjacent OMNI IN/OMNI OUT channels, Input   Gain = Min. -100dB*1, adjacent OMNI IN/OMNI OUT channels, Input   Gain = Min.
Power requirements US/Canada: 120V 60Hz, Japan: 100V 50/60Hz, China: 110-240V   50/60Hz, Korea: 220V 60Hz, Other: 110-240V 50/60Hz US/Canada: 120V 60Hz, Japan: 100V 50/60Hz, China:   110-240V 50/60Hz, Korea: 220V 60Hz, Other: 110-240V 50/60Hz US/Canada: 120V 60Hz, Japan: 100V 50/60Hz, China:   110-240V 50/60Hz, Korea: 220V 60Hz, Other: 110-240V 50/60Hz
Power consumption 170W: Internal Power Supply / 200W: Simultaneous use   of Internal PSU and External PW800W 170W: Internal Power Supply / 200W: Simultaneous use   of Internal PSU and External PW800W 170W: Internal Power Supply / 200W: Simultaneous use   of Internal PSU and External PW800W
Dimensions W 1053mm (41 1/2in) 839mm (33 1/8in) 648mm (25 5/8in)
H 299mm (11 3/4in) 299mm (11 3/4in) 299mm (11 3/4in)
D 667mm (26 1/4in) 667mm (26 1/4in) 667mm (26 1/4in)
Net weight 36kg (79.4lb) 29kg (63.9lb) 24kg (52.9lb)
Others Temperature Range: Operating temperature range: 0 –   40°C, Storage temperature range: -20 – 60°C Temperature Range: Operating temperature range: 0 –   40°C, Storage temperature range: -20 – 60°C Temperature Range: Operating temperature range: 0 –   40°C, Storage temperature range: -20 – 60°C

*1 Crosstalk is measured with a 30dB/octave filter @22kHz
*2 Excluded MBCL optional meter bridge.
*3 Total Harmonic Distortion is measured with 18dB/octave filter @80kHz
*4 Hum & Noise are measured with A-Weight filter.

Analog input characteristics

Input Terminals GAIN Actual Load
For use with nominal Input level Connector
Sensitivity*¹ Nominal Max. before clip
OMNI IN 1-8 +66dB 10kΩ 50-600Ω Mics &
  600Ω Lines
-82dBu (61.6μV) -62dBu (0.616mV) -42dBu (6.16mV) XLR3-31 type   (Balanced)*²
+18dB -34dBu (15.5mV) -14dBu (155mV) +6dBu (1.55V)
+17dB 3kΩ -33dBu (17.4mV) -13dBu (174mV) +7dBu (1.74V)
-6dB -10dBu (245mV) +10dBu (2.45V) +30dBu (24.5V)
TALKBACK +64dB 10kΩ 50-600Ω Mics &
  600Ω Lines
-70dBu (0.245mV) -60dBu (0.775mV) -40dBu (7.75mV) XLR3-31   type(Balanced)*²
+20dB -26dBu (38.8mV) -16dBu (0.123V) +4dBu (1.23V)

*1. Sensitivity is the lowest level that will produce an output of +4dBu(1.23V) or the nominal output level when the unit is set to maximum gain.(all faders and level controls are maximum position.)
*2. XLR-3-31 type connectors are balanced..(1=GND, 2=HOT, 3=COLD)
*3. In these specifications, 0dBu = 0.775 Vrms.
*4. All input AD converters are 24bit linear, 128times oversampling.
*5. +48V DC ( phantom power ) is supplied to OMNI IN (1-8) and TALKBACK XLR type connectors via each individual software controlled switches.

Analog output characteristics

Output Terminals Actual Source
For Use With
GAIN SW*5 Output Level Connector
Nominal Max. before clip
OMNI OUT 1-8 75Ω 600Ω Lines +24dB (default) +4dBu (1.23 V) +24dBu (12.3 V) XLR-3-32   type(Balanced)*1
+18dB -2dBu (616mV) +18dBu (6.16V)
PHONES 15Ω 8Ω Phones 75mW*6 150mW Stereo Phone Jack   (TRS) (Unbalanced)*2
40Ω Phones 65mW*6 150mW

*1. XLR-3-32 type connectors are balanced.( 1=GND, 2=HOT, 3=COLD )
*2. PHONES stereo phone jack is unbalanced.( Tip=LEFT, Ring=RIGHT, Sleeve=GND )
*3. In these specifications, 0dBu = 0.775 Vrms.
*4. All output DA converters are 24bit, 128times oversampling.
*5. There are switches inside the body to preset the maximum output level.
*6. The position of the level control is 10dB lowered from Max.

Digital Input & Output Characteristics

Terminal Format Data length Level Audio Connector
Primary/Secondary Dante 24bit or 32bit 1000Base-T 64ch Input/64ch Output   @48kHz etherCON Cat5e

Digital Output Characteristics

Terminal Format Data length Level Connector
DIGITAL OUT AES/EBU AES/EBU Professional   Use 24bit RS422 XLR-3-32 type   (Balanced)*1

*1. XLR-3-32 type connectors are balanced. (1=GND, 2=HOT, 3=COLD)

I/O Slot (1-3) Characteristics

Each I/O Slot accepts a Mini-YGDAI card. Only Slot1 has a serial interface.

Control I/O characteristics

Terminal Format Level
WORD CLOCK IN TTL/75Ω terminated
NETWORK IEEE802.3 10BASE-T/100Base-TX/
LAMP (CL5=3, CL3=2,   CL1=1) 0V – 12V*4
Meter Bridge (CL3/CL1   only)

*1. Input pins: Internal TTL-level pull-up resistors provided (47kΩ). Output pins: Open-drain output (Vmax = 12V, max. sink current/pin = 75mA) Power pins: Output voltage Vp = 5V, max. output current Imax = 300mA
*2. Pin 4 = +12V, Pin 3 = GND, lamp rating 5W. Software voltage control.

Rio3224-D, Rio1608-D

General specifications Rio3224-D Rio1608-D
Sampling frequency   rate Internal 44.1kHz, 48kHz,   88.2kHz, 96kHz 44.1kHz, 48kHz,   88.2kHz, 96kHz
External 44.1kHz: +4.1667%,   +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm) / 48kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0%   (±200ppm) / 88.2kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm) / 96kHz:   +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% 44.1kHz: +4.1667%,   +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm) / 48kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0%   (±200ppm) / 88.2kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm) / 96kHz:   +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0%
Signal delay Less than 3ms INPUT to   OUTPUT, connect with CL5 using Dante, Dante Receive Latency set to 0.25ms   (one way), Fs=48kHz Less than 3ms INPUT to   OUTPUT, connect with CL5 using Dante, Dante Receive Latency set to 0.25ms   (one way), Fs=48kHz
Total harmonic   distortion Less than 0.05%   20Hz-20kHz@+4dBu into 600Ω, Fs=44.1kHz, 48kHz / Less than 0.05%   20Hz-40kHz@+4dBu into 600Ω, Fs=88.2kHz, 96kHz INPUT to OUTPUT, Input Gain =   Min. Less than 0.05%   20Hz-20kHz@+4dBu into 600Ω, Fs=44.1kHz, 48kHz / Less than 0.05%   20Hz-40kHz@+4dBu into 600Ω, Fs=88.2kHz, 96kHz INPUT to OUTPUT, Input Gain =   Min.
Frequency response +0.5, -1.5dB   20Hz-20kHz, refer to +4dBu output @1kHz, INPUT to OUTPUT, Fs=44.1kHz, 48kHz /   +0.5, -1.5dB 20Hz-40kHz, refer to +4dBu output @1kHz, INPUT to OUTPUT,   Fs=88.2kHz, 96kHz +0.5, -1.5dB   20Hz-20kHz, refer to +4dBu output @1kHz, INPUT to OUTPUT, Fs=44.1kHz, 48kHz /   +0.5, -1.5dB 20Hz-40kHz, refer to +4dBu output @1kHz, INPUT to OUTPUT,   Fs=88.2kHz, 96kHz
Dynamic range 108dB typ., INPUT to   OUTPUT, Input Gain = Min 108dB typ., INPUT to   OUTPUT, Input Gain = Min
Crosstalk -100dB, adjacent   INPUT/OUTPUT channels, Input Gain = Min. -100dB, adjacent   INPUT/OUTPUT channels, Input Gain = Min.
Power requirements US/Canada: 120V 60Hz,   Japan: 100V 50/60Hz, China: 110-240V 50/60Hz, Korea: 220V 60Hz, Other:   110-240V 50/60Hz US/Canada: 120V 60Hz,   Japan: 100V 50/60Hz, China: 110-240V 50/60Hz, Korea: 220V 60Hz, Other:   110-240V 50/60Hz
Power consumption 120W 70W
Dimensions W 480mm (18 7/8in) 480mm (18 7/8in)
H 232mm (9 1/4in) 144mm (5 3/4in)
D 361.5mm (14 1/4in) 361.5mm (14 1/4in)
Net weight 12.4kg (27.3lb) 8.8kg (19.4lb)
Others Temperature Range:   Operating temperature range: 0 – 40℃, Storage temperature range: -20 – 60℃ Temperature Range:   Operating temperature range: 0 – 40℃, Storage temperature range: -20 – 60℃

Analog input characteristics

Input Terminals GAIN Actual Load
For Use With
Input Level Connector
Nominal Max. before clip
INPUT 1-16 +66dB 10kΩ 50-600Ω Mics &
  600Ω Lines
-62dBu (0.616mV) -42dBu (6.16mV) XLR-3-31 type   (Balanced)*1
+18dB -14dBu (155mV) +6dBu (1.55V)
+17dB 3kΩ -13dBu (174mV) +7dBu (1.74V)
-6dB +10dBu (2.45V) +30dBu (24.5V)
INPUT 17-32*5 +66dB 10kΩ 50-600Ω Mics &
  600Ω Lines
-62dBu (0.616mV) -42dBu (6.16mV) XLR-3-31 type   (Balanced)*1
+18dB -14dBu (155mV) +6dBu (1.55V)
+17dB 3kΩ -13dBu (174mV) +7dBu (1.74V)
-6dB +10dBu (2.45V) +30dBu (24.5V)

*1. XLR-3-31 type connectors are balanced.(1=GND, 2=HOT, 3=COLD)
*2. In these specifications, 0dBu = 0.775 Vrms.
*3. All input AD converters are 24bit linear, 128times oversampling.
*4. +48V DC ( phantom power ) is supplied to INPUT XLR type connectors via each individual software controlled switch. *5. Rio3224-D only

Analog output characteristics

Output Terminals Actual Source
For Use With
Max.Output Level
Select SW*4
Output Level Connector
Nominal Max. before clip
OUTPUT 1-8 75Ω 600Ω Lines +24dB (default) +4dBu (1.23 V) +24dBu (12.3V) XLR-3-32 type   (Balanced)*1
+18dB -2dBu (616mV) +18dBu (6.16V)
OUTPUT 9-16*5 75Ω 600Ω Lines +24dB (default) +4dBu (1.23 V) +24dBu (12.3V) XLR-3-32 type   (Balanced)*1
+18dB -2dBu (616mV) +18dBu (6.16V)

*1. XLR-3-32 type connectors are balanced.( 1=GND, 2=HOT, 3=COLD )
*2. In these specifications, 0dBu = 0.775 Vrms.
*3. All output DA converters are 24bit, 128times oversampling.
*4. There are switches inside the body to preset the maximum output level. *5. Rio3224-D only

Digital Input & Output Characteristics

Terminal Format Data length Level Connector
Primary/Secondary Dante 24bit or 32bit 1000Base-T  

Digital Output Characteristics

Terminal Format Data length Level Connector
AES/EBU OUT 1-4*1 AES/EBU AES/EBU Professional Use 24bit RS422 XLR-3-32 type (Balanced)*1

*1 Rio3224-D only
*2. XLR-3-32 type connectors are balanced.( 1=GND, 2=HOT, 3=COLD )


4.5 / 5 stars     

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